4.35mm f/2.8 72d HFOV 10MP
(No Distortion)

Choose Filter Option on Lens::
Price: $99.00
  • Summary
  • Specifications
  • Filter Options
  • Example Media
  • This 4.35mm lens is versatile as it works in a wide variety of cameras such as the GoPro® HERO®, DJI Inspire 1 X3 and DJI Phantom 3/2.

    On the GoPro® and DJI cameras this lens has similar depth of field as the stock lens and is sharp enough to capture 4k video while utilizing the original lens mount. This lens is about 12 degrees wider than the popular 5.4mm 60 degree lens making it optimal for many platforms, especially on a UAV. Since it does not stick out of the camera more than the stock lens it works perfectly with the GoPro® HERO® waterproof housing and DJI camera threaded filters. It is lighter than the stock lenses, making it perfect for use on gimbals and should not need any additional balancing.

  • When you change the lens on the GoPro® HERO® cameras we recommend having us remove the stock lens profile software so the colors are natural (and not tinted pink around the edges). All example media shown has this lens profile removed from the camera.
    Don't want to worry about sending your camera in to be modified? We sell new cameras with this lens installed HERE.

    Model Number


    Focal Length


    35mm Equivalent


    Fish-eye Distortion


    Black Vignetting


    Weight (Stock Lens = 5.5g)


    Horizontal Field of View (HFOV)


    Aperture (f Stop)


    Back Focal Length (BFL)


    Installed Filter

    Daylight (IR-Cut)

    Native Camera Sensor Support


    Native Megapixel Support


    Thread Material


    Optics Material


    Fits in GoPro Waterproof Case?


    Case Mod Needed?


    Dust Ring Included?

    Yes (DR_A)


  • Filter Type Description

    Visible Light RGB Filter (Recommended)

    This is the filter that every camera has to capture Visible Light that our eyes see. All infrared (IR) light is blocked so the colors are normal. This is the same filter the stock camera has.

    Red Light Filter

    This lens only sees a narrow band of Red Light around 650nm and is typically used with an Infrared Light filter camera to produce NDVI, ENDVI or similar agricultural health survey maps.

    Green Light Filter

    This lens only sees a narrow band of Green Light around 548nm and is typically used with an Infrared and Red Light filter camera to produce ENDVI or similar agricultural health survey maps.

    Blue Light Filter

    This lens only sees a narrow band of Blue Light around 450nm and is used for various applications.

    No Filter

    This lens has NO filter on it, allowing all wavelengths of light through to the sensor including Visible and Infrared light. This lens will produce an overly pink image and the colors will be washed out and dull.


    This filter captures near infrared light around 850nm. This filter is often used with 850nm LEDs for night vision filming. It can also be used for any application that is looking for reflected near infrared light, such as vegetation health assessment.


  • Example Media From the Visible Light RGB 4.35mm Lens:

    4K Video Frames (Click to Enlarge)

    12MP Photos (Click to Enlarge)

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